U.S. Catholic Schools (K-12)

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St. Michaels College Prep School

19292 El Toro Rd
Silverado CA,  92676

(949) 858-0222
(949) 858-7365

Diocese: Orange Diocese

School Affiliation: Unspecified

Grade Range: 09-12 Enrollment: 67
Full Time Faculty: Unspecified Annual Tuition: Unspecified
Student Makeup: Male Only School Type: Boarding School

School Profile / Mission: St. Michaels forms students into men of insight and integrity, in fidelity to the Catholic intellectual tradition. This formation integrates faith, academics, and character. A students experience of Catholic Christian living leads him to Christ through liturgical and sacramental life. St. Michaels is exclusively a boarding school. This fact allows students and teachers to live and work together, so learning becomes an integral part of each day. Since students are able continuously to interact with the religious priests and lay faculty who teach in the school, they see the daily living out of the faith they profess. It is precisely as a boarding school that St. Michaels can offer students significant opportunities for consistent and wholesome growth towards intellectual and personal maturity. St. Michaels offers a classical sequence of courses at College Prep, Honors, and Advanced Placement levels. St. Michaels accepts new students of moral commitment and academic potential into the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades. Applicants must be capable of taking college preparatory courses and be willing to live in a boarding environment. Each year, the school welcomes a small number of qualified international students whose English skills in speaking and writing guarantee an active participation in classes and school life. St. Michaels Preparatory School is the primary apostolate of the Norbertine priests of St. Michaels Abbey, many of whom teach in the school which is accredited jointly by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Western Catholic Education Association (WASC-WCEA).

Rev. Victor Szczurek, O.Praem

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